The Couch Next Door

5. A Self Discovery Journey (Brittany Holmstrom)

Candice Fraser Season 1

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This episode is all about the self discovery journey with my friend Brittany Holmstrom.  Whether you have barriers to attending therapy or just want to get to know yourself a little better, my friend Brittany walks us through what she has discovered about herself and how she has used this information to grow and improve herself in her world.  I’ve included additional resources to give you a starting off point in your own journey.  As always, therapy can be a way to dig deeper into what you find out about yourself in your self discovery  journey, so please reach out if I can help you get connected to a mental health professional in your area.  


For reference, Brittany is an Enneagram 2 wing 1, INFP (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving), True Colors-Blue, Libra Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising.


Candice is an Enneagram 2 wing 3, INFJ (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging), Cancer


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Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

 The Road Back to You


Other Resources to check out:

Your Enneagram Coach-Free Assessment

MBTI Official Website

True Colors Personality Typing System

 Co-star Astrology

  Now, Discover Your Strengths 

 Marco Polo App


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